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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Car Pictures Wallpaper Definition

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In 1998, Lamborghini went under full ownership of Audi and the last vehicle to be developed by Lamborghini as an independent company was the Pregunta - a concept car designed in cooperation with the Italian Studio Heuliez-Torino. While all the other models in Lamborghini’s lineup were named after famous bulls, the "Pregunta" got a simpler name: "pregunta" is the Spanish word for "question."
With the Pregunta, Lamborghini wanted to develop a vehicle that was "new, original and impossible to confuse with any other." The concept was unveiled in 1998 at the Paris Auto Show and shown again at the 1999 at the Geneva Motor Show.Pregunta was limited to only one unit and you can imagine that the chance to actually drive one is pretty rare.
 Now, the concept has been put on sale by British web site and can be yours for €1.6 million (about $2.1 million at the current exchange rate).
Click past the jump to read more about the Pregunta.There’s something to be said for a country that doesn’t lack in wealthy people to have a police department with a patrol car like this.In yet another example of Dubai’s fascination for high-priced exotic cars, the country’s police department has taken delivery of a patrol car unlike any other: a Lamborghini Aventador.Now, understand. Supercar’s aren’t that uncommon in Dubai so it might be a good idea for the police to go after these exotics with an exotic of its own. You know, to “level the playing the field.”
But that doesn’t take away from the bombastic nature of having a 700-horsepower Italian supercar with a six-figure price tag serving as a law enforcement vehicle. It’s not out of the stretch of the imagination that these Aventador will be mostly a "display" police car and won’t be used in official duty.
But still, there’s a level of unrest seeing car like this in your rearview mirror with its lights flashing.
Click past the jump to see more exotics turned into police cars - for whatever reason.It refers only to the equivalence of each unit of a commodity with other units of the same commodity. Fungibility does not describe or relate to any exchange of one commodity for some other, different commodity.
As an example: if Alice lends Bob a $10 bill, she does not care if she is repaid with the same $10 bill, two $5 bills, a $5 bill and five $1 bills or bunch of coins that total $10 as currency is fungible. However, if Bob borrows Alice's car she will most likely be upset if Bob returns a different vehicle--even a vehicle that is the same make and model--as automobiles are not fungible with respect to ownership. However, gasoline is fungible and though Alice may have a preference for a particular brand and grade of gasoline, her primary concern may be that the level of fuel be the same (or more) as it was when she lent the vehicle to Bob.
The word comes from Latin fungibilis from fungi, meaning "to perform", related to "function" and "defunct".
Fungibility versus liquidity.
Fungibility is different from liquidity. A good is liquid if it can be easily exchanged for money or another different good. A good is fungible if one unit of the good is substantially equivalent to another unit of the same good of the same quality at the same time and place.
Examples:Cash is fungible: one US$10 bank note is interchangeable with another. It is also interchangeable with two $5s, ten $1s, and other combinations.
Different issues of a government bond (maybe issued at different times) are fungible with one another if they carry precisely the same rights and any of them is equally acceptable in settlement of a trade.
Diamonds are not perfectly fungible because diamonds' varying cuts, colors, grades, and sizes make it difficult to find many diamonds with the same cut, color, grade, and size.
Packaged products on a retail shelf are fungible if they are of the same type. Customers and clerks can interchange packages freely until purchase, and sometimes afterward. When the customer opens the package and uses the product, however, it is usually considered unique and no longer interchangeable with unopened packages unless there is some customer service issue, such as a return or exchange. Even then, the customer might consider a swap with a trusted friend who also buys the same product.
Fungibility does not imply liquidity, and liquidity does not imply fungibility. Diamonds can be readily bought and sold (the trade is liquid) but individual diamonds, being unique, are not interchangeable (diamonds are not fungible). Indian rupee bank notes are mutually interchangeable in London (they are fungible there) but they are not easily traded there (they cannot be spent in London). In contrast to diamonds, gold coins of the same grade and weight are fungible, as well as liquid.

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